
Emerging Tech


Envision Technology Advisors

The Life of the Party

The Storyteller is the life of the party. They can bring energy to any room by sharing memorable experiences and new ideas.At Envision, we're blessed to have natural Storytellers at all levels of the organization, including CEO Todd Knapp, our COO Jason Albuquerque, and our VP of Development & Operations, Karen Penticost. People gravitate to them because they're thoughtful, cite evidence as often as they can, and listen.The best communicators are always careful listeners - they work with the audience to shape the story.

As we consult for clients, we take the same approach. We work to provide all of the narrative they need to make an informed decision. Current state, future state, and the best way to get there. There is always time for questions because it's a conversation. A two-way street.

When Microsoft Talks...

It's important that we chase facts, trends, and new tech - no matter what their source is. We want to deliver candid advice and the best solutions, regardless of our pre-existing relationships.

Certain vendors, like Microsoft, have a stellar track record of thought leadership and forward-thinking product development. We always log on for their annual partner conference, Inspire, as well as their developer and IT professional conference, Ignite, to find out what Microsoft is researching and where they're investing their dollars. That, in turn, helps us to understand what's coming and prepare our clients accordingly.

Big Takeaways

What have we learned so far this year? What ideas have influenced the thought leaders at Envision?

The future is in the cloud. A shifting global workforce, pandemics, and climate change are accelerating cloud adoption. By adopting the right mix of on-prem and cloud infrastructure, future-ready businesses can save money, drive efficiency, and dramatically improve security.

Partnership really matters. Take a minute to think about your vendors and partners. Are they doing enough to help you grow? Are you a good partner in return? We are proud of our Gold Partner status with Microsoft because it gives us access to resources and support that benefit our clients every single day.

Security is the cornerstone. Building a strong security infrastructure around a Zero Trust framework is every organization's top priority. Once you've achieved that, Microsoft can help you layer on the right level of additional security. They're also getting surprisingly proactive about cyber security - finding brand new ways to protect networks from attack methods such as DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service).

Cost is king. The economic pressures that we are all facing (inflation, a rapidly fluctuating job market, etc. are directly impacting where and when businesses are choosing to invest. Microsoft is focused on adding new products and feature sets that increase profitability for their customers. Additionally, they're helping partners like Envision to highlight already-available solutions that limit costs.


Make time to attend conferences like Microsoft Ignite, Oshean Securecon, as well as niche industry events like the MA Staffing Association Annual Conference. If Envision is presenting, stop by after to chat about what you heard. If you're looking for a technology consultant, make sure that communication style is part of your evaluation process. And if you need help or guidance, contact us. We're ready to listen.

Want to learn more about Envision's Microsoft services?