I have been at Envision since:

August 2023

Hobbies, activities, or interests:

I love weightlifting, reading, and spending time outdoors. I'm also a huge fan of tabletop games; some of my favorites include Catan, Coup, and One Night Werewolf. I've also been playing Dungeons & Dragons with a group of friends I've known since high school.

Interesting story or fact about me:

I managed an Instagram page where I curated and sold clothing from artists and niche brands that I discovered through the app. Periodically, I'd write articles about the pieces, detailing their construction and showcasing the artists' or brands' previous work. I have a deep respect for artists that express themselves through different mediums.

Professional summary:

I graduated from UMass Dartmouth in 2021 with a Bachelor's in Computer Science. My professional background is in software support, but in my spare time, I develop my skills as a programmer through building web-based applications and other personal projects. I'd eventually like to practice software engineering at a professional capacity.